Selasa, 21 Desember 2010


Macam macam tehnik Bottom Fishing

Paternoster Rig
Method: This rig is usually used when the current is weak. The logic behind this is that during weak currents, fish tend to venture higher above the sea bed in search of food. Thus paternoster rig can present the bait effectively at a few different levels depending on the number of snoods you extend out of the main leader. But this rig is not recommended for leader shy fish.

Bottom long snood
Bottom Ranggong Rig
Method: This rig is the most common rig for bottom fishing as it can be used for both strong and weak currents. Normally we will use longer leader like 2-3m for strong current and 1-2m leader for weak currents. During strong current, fish tend to swim near the seabed where the current is weaker, so as to conserve their energy. And also larger predatory fish are not so shy to attack suspicious bait during strong currents. Therefore, usually larger fish are caught when the current is strong. This is one of the reasons why longer leader is required during strong currents as the leader must be at least longer than the fish that you are expecting to catch, so that during the fight, your mainline would not come in contact with the fish body, which may cause the mainline to burst.

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